Riots erupt in Kenya over president’s donation to church

Riots erupt: A sizable donation made by President William Ruto to a church sparked protests in Kenya, and police used tear gas to scatter the demonstrators.


Riots erupt

Riots erupt, President Ruto gave 20 million shillings, or roughly $155,000, to the “Jesus Winner Ministry” church in Nairobi’s Raisambo neighborhood, according to the BBC. Nonetheless, young people who were concerned about the economic situation and inflation denounced the donation and attempted to enter the church. Stone-throwing and fire-starting protesters attempted to obstruct the highways. The demonstrators were dispersed by police using tear gas. Following their arrest, at least 38 persons were freed without being charged. Tight security measures were put in place at the church, and services went on despite the loud protests. Bishop Edward Mwai said that “thugs” were sent by unidentified parties to interrupt the ceremony.

In defense of the donation, President Ruto, who is an evangelical Christian, stated that its goal was to eradicate moral corruption in the nation. “Kenya must understand God in order to humiliate those who are attempting to keep us from attending church,” he stated. Additionally, the president announced that another church (in Eldoret) will get a comparable grant. Anglican and Catholic church leaders in Kenya protested last year against politicians giving to their churches.

Inflation and new tax rules have already caused great dissatisfaction among Kenyans. Since assuming office in 2022, President Ruto has advocated for tax increases to pay off debt; however, some argue that reducing government waste and corruption must come first. Nationwide demonstrations last year compelled President Ruto to revoke his “finance bill,” which called for higher taxes.


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