In a single year, the UAE denied visas to more than 50,000 Pakistanis; however, how many were deported? Find out

UAE denied visas, Introduction

UAE denied visas, Over 50,000 Pakistanis have had their visa applications denied by the UAE in a single year, it was disclosed. In addition to more than 50,000 Pakistanis having their visa applications denied in 2024, the study claims that over 10,100 Pakistanis were deported from the United Arab Emirates in the previous 16 months. According to data on Pakistanis deported from the United Arab Emirates between September 2023 and January 2025, about 10,100 Pakistanis were deported from the Gulf nation in the previous 16 months, according to sources cited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

UAE denied visas

UAE denied visas, Impact on Bilateral Relations

The changes will have a significant impact on Pakistan’s long-standing bilateral ties with the United Arab Emirates. For Pakistani workers, the Arab state has served as a model for economic growth and prosperity; the negative consequences of such limitations could result in a direct decline in remittances and business relationships. Together, the two governments are making every effort to prevent national security concerns from impeding the positive contributions that legal Pakistani expats make to the growth of the UAE economy.

Deported by UAE authorities

During this time, 4,740 convicted Pakistani inmates were deported by UAE authorities. These Pakistani nationals had completed their sentences in a number of UAE prisons, while 5,800 other Pakistanis were deported between September 2023 and January 2025 for a variety of offenses, and in 2024, the UAE denied visas to over 50,000 Pakistanis.


In short, deportations and visa denials have made it necessary for Pakistan and the UAE to work together more closely in order to strike a balance between security concerns and the positive contributions made by Pakistani people outside.

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