weather forecast for Ramadan: Rainfall is expected in Lahore from March 9 to March 13, according to the INP Meteorological Department.
weather forecast for Ramadan, The Meteorological Department predicts that Islamabad and the neighboring areas will see cold, dry weather through the middle of Ramadan. The majority of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province’s districts are expected to experience dry weather, while the northern regions are likely to experience cool mornings and evenings.
According to the Meteorological Department, the majority of Punjab province’s districts are forecast to see dry weather, while Murree, Gulyat, and the adjacent areas are likely to experience cold, partly cloudy conditions. While chilly and partly cloudy weather with light rain and snowfall in some areas is anticipated to be expected in Gilgit-Baltistan, Kashmir is predicted to see cold and dry weather.