America’s Concerns Over Modern Weapons Supply to India: A Deep Dive

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A Deep Dive, The Current Landscape of U.S.-India Relations A Deep Dive, In recent weeks, the announcement about the supply of modern weapons to India has raised alarms in America and across South Asia. The ongoing strategic partnership between the United States and India continues to evolve, but the implications of this arms deal are … Read more

Pakistan’s Path Forward: Insights from Army Chief General Asim Munir

Pakistan’s Path Forward, Introduction Pakistan’s Path Forward, In a time of uncertainty and challenges, the words of Army Chief General Asim Munir resonate across Pakistan. He emphasizes the crucial need for the nation to focus on progress. His statement, ‘no letter received from anyone,’ highlights the importance of self-reliance and resilience as Pakistan moves forward. … Read more

Imran Khan’s letter to the Army Chief:

Imran Khan’s Letter to the Army Chief The Context of Imran Khan’s Letter Imran Khan’s Letter to the Army Chief, In recent weeks, Imran Khan has made headlines for his significant communication to the Army Chief, addressing sensitive political dynamics in the country. The letter highlights the establishment’s stance concerning the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) … Read more