What are the harms of drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach? Experts’ warning

Experts’ warning: This news is significant if you start your day with a cup of coffee or tea. Experts say that consuming tea or coffee in the morning can have negative effects on the remainder of the day, including heartburn, gas, indigestion, and acidity. According to Dr. Saurabh, regularly consuming tea or coffee in the … Read more

How much does eating eggs daily reduce the risk of death? Surprising research has emerged

Surprising research has emerged: Although there has long been discussion about the nutritional value of eggs and how they affect heart health, a recent study from Monash University indicated that eating eggs may lower the chance of dying from heart disease, particularly in older adults. Surprising research has emerged, Published in the journal Nutrients, the … Read more

New study reveals serious harm to those who receive COVID vaccines

who receive COVID vaccines: A recent study from Yale University in the United States asserts that some people are experiencing “post-vaccination syndrome” (PVS) as a result of the Covid-19 vaccine. who receive COVID vaccines, The biological causes of this syndrome are not well understood, but the study reports that symptoms like exercise intolerance, extreme fatigue, … Read more

Understanding Long-Term Health Issues After COVID-19 Vaccination: Insights from Scientists

Insights from Scientists

Insights from Scientists, Introduction to Post-Vaccine Health Concerns Insights from Scientists, As the world continues to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals are experiencing long-term health problems after receiving the vaccine. This has raised concerns among the public and has led scientists to investigate the underlying causes of these post-vaccination issues. Understanding why some people … Read more