Modern gym, top coaches and best accommodation in Islamabad, a big step by PTF

Modern gym: According to Khawaja Sohail Iftikhar, Senior Vice President of the Pakistan Tennis Federation (PTF), the PTF has made significant progress in enhancing player facilities. A modern gym, a first-rate café, and housing for players from out of town are all features of the Dilawar Abbas Tennis Complex in Islamabad. According to Khawaja Sohail’s … Read more

It is suggested that Islamabad establish a parliament and an elected democratic government based on the New Delhi model

New Delhi model: Based on New Delhi’s model, the subcommittee for administrative reforms has suggested establishing the Islamabad Capital Territory Government. New Delhi model, This suggestion was included in the committee’s interim report, which was prepared under Barrister Zafarullah’s direction. “Islamabad should be governed by a representative administration with democratic oversight. The report suggested that … Read more